Best Potato Corn Burgers Recipe

Gather the following ingredients: Olive oil, onions, leeks, celery, corn, salt, thyme, potatoes, jalapenos, coriander, feta cheese, corn flour, milk, breadcrumbs, tomatoes, lettuce, gherkins, and burger buns.


Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a pan. Add chopped onions, leeks, celery, and corn. Season with salt and thyme. Sauté the mixture for about 5 minutes until the vegetables are soft and fragrant.

Recipe Step 1

Once the vegetables are done, peel and grate or mash the cooked potatoes. Place them in a mixing bowl ready to combine with the sautéed vegetables.

Recipe Step 2

In the mixing bowl with the potatoes, add the sautéed vegetable mixture. Include the jalapenos, a large handful of chopped coriander, and crumbled feta cheese. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Recipe Step 3

Season the mixture to taste. Allow the combined mixture to rest in the refrigerator for a few minutes. This step helps in binding and enhancing the flavors of the ingredients.

Recipe Step 4

Prepare a light batter using corn flour and milk. Place breadcrumbs on a plate. Shape the burger patties using a cutter or mould. Dip each patty in the batter, ensuring it is fully coated.

Recipe Step 5

Slice tomatoes and prepare lettuce leaves and gherkins for garnish. Heat the burger buns in the oven. Place lettuce, tomatoes, and gherkins inside the bun, add the cooked patty, and serve with chips on the side.

Recipe Final Step

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